(Written by:  Floyd Hawkins, 1937)

Mankind is searching everyday,                    in quest of something new...                          But I have found the Living Way,                the path of pleasures true! 

I've found the Pearl of greatest price,  eternal life so fair...

'Twas through the Savior's sacrifice,       I found this jewel rare! 


I've discovered the way of gladness!

I've discovered the way of joy!

I've discovered relief from sadness

It's a happiness without alloy!

I've discovered the Fount of blessing!

I've discovered the Living Word!

'Twas the greatest of all discoveries

When I found JESUS my Lord!




Manusia setiap hari,  Mencari yang baru

Tetapi kudapat kini,  Pimpinan hidupku


Kudapat mutiara kudus,  Hidup yang abadi

Di dalam Tuhanku YESUS,  Kudapatkan ini


Kudapatkan jalan bahagia

Kudapatkan jalan suci

Kudapatkan penawar duka

Sungguh bahagia yang sejati

Kudapatkan sumbernya berkat

Kudapatkan Firman kudus

Penemuan yang membawa s’lamat

Waktu kut’rima YESUS !




Sebab upah dosa ialah maut;  tetapi karunia Allah ialah hidup yang kekal dalam Kristus Yesus, Tuhan kita”              Surat Roma 6:23.  

(Ditulis oleh:  Rasul Paulus, 57 M)


 2025 is here…  

It's hard to believe that in January of 2024, we just started the old year…  and a year later, we are blessed to see a wonderful New Year

It’s time to THANK GOD, “who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”  

(Ephesians 3:20-21)


*untuk anugerah-Mu,

*untuk rakhmat-Mu,

*untuk pengampunan-Mu,

*untuk perlindungan-Mu,

*untuk pimpinan-Mu,

*untuk damai sejahtera-Mu,

*untuk kasih-Mu yang tak berkesudahan,

*untuk menjadi Juruselamat-ku.

Amen !